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This poem describes the situation of a person, a very close friend of mine! Indeed the best person I've ever known... In hope you'll get out like a conqueror! 

I am bit too lost, maybe
In a labyrinth, perhaps
One that’s largest indeed!!

I am quite struck, maybe
In my distant star, perhaps
One that’s brightest indeed!!

I am very moody, maybe
Because of the hormones, perhaps
But suffering is there indeed!!

I am just a little mature, maybe
The elder ones are perhaps
Immaturity is immense indeed!!

Star says “I am better”, maybe
For she loves me, perhaps
Love and care, her nature indeed!!

Mother is too tired, maybe
Months of endless sleep, perhaps
Not ready to wake up indeed!!

Papa is tired too, maybe
Mamma’s deep slumber, perhaps
No signs of revival indeed!!

I am still hopeful, maybe
For losing them, impossible perhaps
Faith is strong indeed!!

My Family still exists, maybe
Just need some time, perhaps
Hearts are still united, indeed!!

I will live my dreams, maybe
That day will come, perhaps
Will fight for it, indeed!!

There will be a reunion, maybe
Everyone’s trying, perhaps
It will happen soon, indeed!!

I have changed a lot, maybe
Better than before, perhaps
The situations teach a lot, indeed!!



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