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Because with him I have learnt a lot, because  from him I have learnt a lot. Him?? Perhaps "the coolest faculty of my college-THE SOURAV PRUSTY". One great teacher when it comes to life and experiences. Few lines on the eve of Teacher's day to tell him that he helped me to lift up my soul, when i was crippled inside.

I was a flower quickly fading
None in front but was still waving
Infinite names but was still naming
Finding the one, busy blaming...
A blinding flash of insight, claiming
Trying to claim a greater understanding!
Evolution, a process of remembering.
Difference b/w requiring and desiring
Shifting from nothing to something.
Changing direction, not abandoning!
Most recent moment, new beginning.
Noticed, nothing has any meaning!
My reality, I myself was choosing.
When my soul knew what's occurring.
Experiencing and expressing divinity.
Shiny new me I was acquiring.
That highest thing I was achieving.
In a soul language I am speaking!!!


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