OK... death and life are two big words that are governing my life presently! Dolores Cannon, you really helped me answer all my questions, questions that were perhaps haunting me since ages! Here comes this poem, comprising of all that I learned through your work! Its you who taught me, Death is never painful! Something I so very wanted to hear!
Also this poem, is a combined effort. For the theme behind the poem and the opening lines are the contribution of my other half, Anushtha. A gift for you this poem is!
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like To be shot in the head to not be alive...
Would it be agonizing, harrowing n excruciating, Or would it be calm, peaceful n liberating? Would it be like hell or as easy as putting a switch on With burden in my head I sat there thinking on and on...
Maybe I shall try once to feel how it feels Or maybe I should wait for it to approach, let it be real! With patience less and curiosity more i thought Of all the people who are fighting and once fought!
The great battle of life, but the battle is fought in our minds Maybe one can be victorious if to his soul he binds. Many maybes some perhaps n infinite indeed s I went to the flashback, of my good and bad deeds!
Some decisions right and some awfully wrong Things like eulogy, epitaph and that death song. I felt an unknown fear without any reason Death is inevitable, be it any season.
Our "terribly transient feet" i thought Never left any impressions when to the world were brought. Just like everybody I wanted to make a mark In this wide world before death the dark!
The mark those people left behind them Not less than a scar for the people to whom they were a gem. Want to live an enlightened life with a smile. Connect to souls and bring them happiness for a while.
Like the threads of a tapestry we are bound Together if we sing we can create the holy sound! . After death when in the other plane of existence Angel, archangel and other people for assistance!
When I will stand at the heaven's golden gate I will wait for you to extend the hand my mate. Not just here, I need you there We will grow together no matter where!
In that world white and filled with bright light After death and before new life, right?!
Also this poem, is a combined effort. For the theme behind the poem and the opening lines are the contribution of my other half, Anushtha. A gift for you this poem is!
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like To be shot in the head to not be alive...
Would it be agonizing, harrowing n excruciating, Or would it be calm, peaceful n liberating? Would it be like hell or as easy as putting a switch on With burden in my head I sat there thinking on and on...
Maybe I shall try once to feel how it feels Or maybe I should wait for it to approach, let it be real! With patience less and curiosity more i thought Of all the people who are fighting and once fought!
The great battle of life, but the battle is fought in our minds Maybe one can be victorious if to his soul he binds. Many maybes some perhaps n infinite indeed s I went to the flashback, of my good and bad deeds!
Some decisions right and some awfully wrong Things like eulogy, epitaph and that death song. I felt an unknown fear without any reason Death is inevitable, be it any season.
Our "terribly transient feet" i thought Never left any impressions when to the world were brought. Just like everybody I wanted to make a mark In this wide world before death the dark!
The mark those people left behind them Not less than a scar for the people to whom they were a gem. Want to live an enlightened life with a smile. Connect to souls and bring them happiness for a while.
Like the threads of a tapestry we are bound Together if we sing we can create the holy sound! . After death when in the other plane of existence Angel, archangel and other people for assistance!
When I will stand at the heaven's golden gate I will wait for you to extend the hand my mate. Not just here, I need you there We will grow together no matter where!
In that world white and filled with bright light After death and before new life, right?!
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