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Showing posts from July, 2014


Some people are special beyond words... With them life is easy and the world beautiful! The most beautiful soul I have ever met on this earthly experience is HER. For 'Her' I am never short of words nor poetry nor emotions. Cherishing her presence and some hearty wishes!!! That innocent smile one smiles sorrows at the end of nautical mile happiness and blessing edge the isle on which one walks with that smile hurt and distress an unknown pile filled with fragile eternity is that isle... with the smile walk the miles beauty of the Nile that perfect style!

From a Rain lover...

I am the best example of a fickle minded person. Sometimes its me who runs to the terrace when God extends his hand from heaven, and its the same me who will be spotted crying near the window when its another day and its raining. But both ways I am a Rain lover! For being sad is also normal and dancing in rain is also common... gosh! I am normal, no exception. But doing both at the same time, is kinda insane! I do that too... Memories never allow us to stay in a same frame of mind for long! My fickle minded poem... Memories are like drops of rain Infinite reminders of loss and gain To some it gives glimpse of pain Tears they shed look just the same Trying to forget the only name Forgiving the one who owns the blame Finding the answers none explained But for some, it’s a different chain The drops often fill their veins With happiness releasing the sorrows plain Shuts them off from daily mundane Saves their soul when torn in twain Awakes in them the newborn ag...


Good-nights are bad and forever be! For wishing someone a Good-night somewhat means end of the conversation for that day... And it sounds really really bad to me, when  the person on the other end is longed to be talked to! I plucked a flower And was counting fine. Petals were eleven But i stopped at nine! When two were left I glued my stare. Petals on the floor Which once were there? I plucked one more And only one was left. Seeing its bareness My heart and soul wept. What once was a flower? Is now scattered. But it was very pretty Does that matter? These were random Moody thoughts you see. I never pluck flowers In them I see me. I told you goodnights Are bad and will forever be. But wishing you a wish Is a wish, and always be!


OK... death and life are two big words that are governing my life presently! Dolores Cannon, you really helped me answer all my questions, questions that were perhaps haunting me since ages! Here comes this poem, comprising of all that I learned through your work! Its you who taught me, Death is never painful! Something I so very wanted to hear! Also this poem, is a combined effort. For the theme behind the poem and the opening lines are the contribution of my other half, Anushtha. A gift for you this poem is! Sometimes I wonder what it would be like To be shot in the head to not be alive... Would it be agonizing, harrowing n excruciating, Or would it be calm, peaceful n liberating? Would it be like hell or as easy as putting a switch on With burden in my head I sat there thinking on and on... Maybe I shall try once to feel how it feels Or maybe I should wait for it to approach, let it be real! With patience less and curiosity more i thought Of all the people who are f...

The day...

The day... I wore your slippers Those giants grippers For my little feet Time when I cared least Prancing up and down Dancing like a little clown I never knew I will be one of the few Few among st all Trying to not fall I was not prepared You suddenly disappeared For i was ignorant Staring like an innocent Unable to solve Mind could not resolve The absence I felt It just cud not be dealt But I am strong now I still wonder how. The day... I was sitting all alone Happiness was somewhere sown I was just on my own Waiting for a path to be shown I gathered strength Measured scar; its length It was of few inches I remember the park and benches When I held your hand Time slips like sand Now no us, only a me I would choose not to be Without you here We will meet someday There That is what people say   Is it true or it may Be a human psychology I never thought of an eulogy But I just want u back Without you, sanity I lack. The day... I decide...


I so very want to go back to my old life. When I was my BEST COMPANION! I hate dependence and being attached. For i have understood the fact how messy I can be when I open up, for i feel no one can understand me because i never let them. I am always the one to take a step back first!  I miss being me… When I was on my own Broken but smile was known! When none would know For I never would show I just want to go back there I and HE were where When I needed no one In my sunken eyes: bright sun. When I knew the right HE was my guiding light The introvert me I miss Being mysterious was bliss. My problems were mine Yet there was an inner shine My mind was at peace When people cared least Me being my biggest support Victorious in HIS court When I was sure of things Why, the caged bird sings!  I was happy with myself Wearing mask hiding real self It was all fabulous back then I was safe in my inner den With profound and calm darkne...


I fear oblivion. But i really really wish if i could just forget you. For i go haywire when i think about you! Maybe you were once the best thing about me and you still are. I just don't know you mean what... But no matter what, even now if someone asks me, name a person...I would probably utter your name!   Hey, I remember you… Oh yes, I seriously do. That smile so pure To my scars, the only cure! Yes, the scars you gave While pretending to save The bond we shared As if you ever cared! I always knew you Knew what you’d do… “Be there like forever” Just in dreams, you were never! You use to tell me things  Of queens and kings Trusting you like a blind Wish could use my mind. I kept sharing my heart Fooling me, your art! Those cards I made Now, memories just fade! I cherish the moments Though the time laments… It was in your presence I discovered the essence, Essence of my beautiful soul Into deep thoughts I crawl Tim...


If you are an introvert, you are likely to not open up. You just keep everything inside like a closed window, which exists, exists only for the sake of existence. Not that it has importance less than any other window in the house. Probably because it was made to be the closed window .It has its beauty in being closed. For if you see, you will eventually find at least one window in the house, which is the ‘closed window’. A window, which is seldom open .A window which when open gives you an untold happiness. You just stare at its beauty, you try to look through the view it offers. A view you never imagined would be different when seen through it. Maybe of the same old building that existed like forever, maybe you have grown seeing the building but looks new when seen through it.  It is the closed window for if opened it would open you to the view; you would probably not stand to see. Maybe it would show you things that nobody ever thought or would have ever imagined. All you ...